Stop Cop City, a forest conservation
organization that protects natural landscapes.
We, the defenders of flora and fauna,
protest against any construction
in forests and other landscapes.

Throughout history, in all countries of the world,
government officials of all levels and ranks
have destroyed and are destroying the flora,
fauna and landscapes of all regions and
continents of the world.
The entire Earth, water and atmosphere
are poisoned by trillions of tons of garbage,
as well as industry, transport, cities, landfills,
sewers, cesspools, toxic substances,
air conditioners and so on.

In Atlanta, USA, a public movement
for the protection of Nature has been organized,
the participants of which are children and
people of all ages, they are fighting
for the preservation of the environment.
In memory of the protector of nature and
a wonderful person, friend and
comrade Manuel Esteban Paez Teran,
who was shot during protests
against the construction of a worldwide
paramilitary police training center,
where they will be trained to disperse
opponents of criminal power.

Defenders of nature are fighting to save
the entire globe and are protesting
against the mining of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, copper, salt and so on.
The extraction of everything and
everything led to the death of the Earth,
flora, fauna and the devastation
of the globe, everywhere huge
underground voids, quarries, funnels and
abysses around the world led to the death
of flora, fauna, streams, rivers,
lakes and the Aral Sea.