In Russia and in all countries of the world -
they don’t teach us anything good anywhere,
the proof of this is the sham power
throughout the country, where in all
structures there are scammers of all stripes
who rob the country and people and turn
people’s lives into hell, where people drown
in the sea Problems.
In a region where there is real power,
people there have no problems at all,
everyone works quietly and lives well,
where all areas and industries
work reliably, like a Swiss watch, these are
civil servants who do not cheat, but do
everything honestly .
Such power was in the Soviet Union
in Estonia under Kabin Johannes Gustavovich
there was order and discipline
in all spheres and branches, and
he was not afraid to vote against
the abolition of the USSR Constitution
in October 1977. Bureaucrats and
partocrats canceled all Soviet laws and
the constitution, in such a criminal
way they split the country into many
pieces and privatized everything,
Kabin opposed this, because
of this he was removed from power
on July 26, 1978.
In March 1984, all the fragments
of the destroyed country were collected
under the leadership
of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko and
restored the united Soviet Union.
This ascent to the heights of power
was a great joy for us, he brought order and
discipline in all spheres and branches
of the country, and people's lives became joyful.
Any person was automatically transferred
from work to another region and industry
of the country without dismissal, while
maintaining seniority.
We lived well in the Soviet Union, everything
that was good in the USSR for many years
was all the merit of Konstantin Chernenko,
how he died so the bureaucrats and
partocrats robbed, destroyed and liquidated
the Soviet Union with impunity
in December 1988 and crossed out the USSR
from the map of the world.
Many who know nothing about Chernenko
are talking nonsense about the fact that he was
in power for a year. Konstantin Ustinov
ich in the civil service for 50 years honestly worked
for the good of the country, controlled all areas and sectors of the country, because of this he was
killed with the help of doctors.
Broz Tito was also brutally murdered,
the doctors tortured him for a long time,
an American doctor spoke out against this,
he persuaded the Yugoslav doctors
not to operate and not to deprive Tito of his leg.