Hello dear friends and comrades.
I never cease to be amazed at the impudence
of civil servants of all levels and ranks,
deputies and senators.
They do not sow, do not plow and
do nothing at all, but only destroy and
rob the country and people,
And they constantly create a sea
of problems for people,
where people drown in problems and
lose their health and nerves.
The trouble is that people
throughout history do not want to live
in the name of a common cause
and well-being, to work and live collectively
without bureaucrats and partocrats.
Civil servants of all levels and ranks
do not care about the workers,
they privatized power in October 1977,
where they canceled all Soviet
laws and the constitution and
split the country into many
bureaucratic territories.
Today in Russia civil servants
of all levels and ranks rob and
destroy Russia just like
the USSR and the RSFSR.
Today, swindlers of all stripes
are in power in all the former
Soviet republics, who from June 1985
to December 1988 plundered,
destroyed and crossed out the best
country in the world - the Soviet Union
from the map of the world.
Now everywhere in all countries
there is chaos, devastation and
a mess, but the worst thing is
here in Russia, the power
of bureaucrats and partocrats.
There was no such lawlessness even
during the occupation by the Nazi troops,
then there was a chance for freedom,
and today with bureaucratic occupiers
there is no chance of freedom.
They have occupied the whole
country and are constantly robbing
everyone with the help of fraudulent
laws and of hundreds of thousands
of intermediary companies,
organizations and firms every month
they steal trillions of rubles
throughout the country.
In Russia, they have been stealing, lying and
praying to God for many years”: Saratov
pensioner about corruption in Russia:
В России много лет воруют, врут и Богу
молятся»: саратовская пенсионерка о
коррупции в России:
Отредактировано Nazar (2023-06-07 19:28:30)