In Russia, they destroy everything under
all sorts of pretexts.

I am a citizen of the Soviet Union, Banjov
Nazarali Kholnazarovich, I ask all statesmen and
the public of all countries to stop insulting flora
and fauna and stop blaming pigs, cows, birds,
insects, rodents and world flora and fauna.
You people have polluted the entire Planet and
turned the whole world into a hell where you have
poisoned the entire Earth, water and atmosphere.

Urgently ban in all countries the
production of plastic, plastic, microplastic,
polyethylene and all artificial materials, goods,
packaging and artificial flowers and wreaths,
this will destroy all life on the planet and the whole
world has turned into a huge mountain of toxic
garbage and waste.

It hurts to see how civil servants of all levels and
ranks, deputies, senators and their supporters
destroy the entire history of the country.
In Orenburg and throughout Russia,
officials are destroying everything
in their path. On April 26 of this year,
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, was on all
the streets of the city center and beyond, where
officials for the sake of money destroyed and
destroy the entire green area of ​​​​the urban area
and landscapes, in their place they built and
are building high-rise buildings, and
also destroy the entire history of Orenburg
demolish and destroy historic houses,
structures and monuments. and
even the monument to the leader
of the International Revolution, Lenin,
is being demolished throughout the country.
In Orenburg, the enemies of the country
dismantled a high- quality monument
from the square opposite the Drama Theater
in the center on September 18,
2018 from Sovetskaya Street.

Throughout the country, government officials
of all levels and ranks, deputies, senators and
the public condemn the demolition of Soviet
monuments abroad. And with what face
they condemn other nations.
And they themselves, from 1990 to this day,
desecrate and demolish Soviet and
Russian monuments throughout
the country, and even the monument to Lenin,
the leader of the world revolution, is constantly
desecrated and demolished throughout the country.

The monument to Lenin stood
on Sovetskaya Street in Orenburg
for more than 90 years and would have stood
for thousands of years. But the enemies
of the country demolished a strong,
high-quality and beautiful monument for the sake
of money. Bureaucratic gangs are destroying
the entire history of the country with impunity.

In Orenburg, civil servants and deputies
are the worst enemies of Russia, they brazenly
dismantled the monument to Lenin for the sake
of money. September 18, 2018

В Оренбурге госслужащие и депутаты
злейшие враги России, они нагло демонтировали
памятник Ленину ради денег. 18 сентября
2018 г.