In Russia after the removal of President
Yeltsin from power in December 1999. In the
country since 2000, bureaucrats and
partocrats brazenly occupied the country and
began to terrorize everyone throughout
Russia and canceled all elections, instead of
elections, they created a bureaucratic scam -
elections where bureaucratic criminal groups
decide who to let in the elections and who
not to let in. And they also brazenly banned
rallies and protests and freedom of opinion
and began to judge people for honesty, hard
work and peacefulness.
And for this, the security forces of
the Russian Federation put on the wanted list
a wonderful and peaceful person - Vitaly
The grounds for the search
- wanted under the article of the Criminal
Code - bureaucratic and partocratic
structures of all levels throughout Russia.
An attack on Vitaly Mansky after his words that
budgetary funds are being stolen in the
country in huge quantities, everywhere
officials are stealing 85 percent of the
country's budget - the money - of taxpayers.
Fraudsters of all stripes - civil servants of all
levels and ranks, deputies, senators and
celebrities of all stripes, it is no secret that
from 1986 to this day they have been
constantly churning out fraudulent and
predatory laws, all this has led to the plunder
of the country and hard workers.
I, Bandzhov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, sent a
letter to Putin several times, with a request
to disperse many millions of bureaucrats and
partocrats from all structures, spheres and
industries of the country, as well as well
as many millions of freeloaders of all stripes.
They are the main enemies of the country,
who have been sowing chaos and
devastation in the country for a hundred
years. Putin and his government were very
upset at my letter and instructed the security
forces to find out who ordered Bandzhov to
write such a letter, they think that all robots
in the country and there are no thinking,
honest, hardworking and peace-loving
Many thanks to Vitaly
Mansky for diligence, for justice, for honesty,
for truth and for courage, there are very few
such wonderful people in all regions and
continents of the world who are fighting for
world peace.