Climate protests in 150 countries around the
world. Conservationists in the USA, Europe,
Russia, Africa, Asia and the East against the
mining of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt,
diamonds, gold , silver, nickel, copper. , pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
uranium, oxide, tungsten, zirconium, magnesium,
potassium, vanadium, molybdenum, palladium
and so on: As a result of the extraction of everything
from the Earth, people in such a criminal way
destroyed, poisoned, devastated the entire globe
and huge underground voids everywhere - all over
the globe, huge quarries everywhere, funnels and
huge abysses everywhere, and all this led
to the complete destruction of the globe,
the death of forests , landscapes, meadows,
a stream and the death of the Aral Sea and
the death of 57 thousand rivers,
lakes in all regions and continents of the world,
this is already a global catastrophe.
Causes of earthquakes in all regions and
continents of the world from the extraction
of everything from the Earth.
The second reason is from blasting
in the mountains, on the plains, in the lake,
seas, oceans and drilling and blasting.
The third reason is from bomb tests and
the fourth reason is from testing missiles
of all classes and space ones.
Defenders of nature call on humanity
to urgently stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
ore, salt, and so on, and abandon all
destructive civilizations, otherwise in 15 years
a global-scale apocalypse will come.
The destructive actions of mankind have led
to the poisoning and destruction
of the entire globe. The ecological situation
is catastrophic - acid rains, snow, shallowing and
drying up of the stream, rivers,
lakes and the Aral Sea, these are the consequences
of the extraction of everything from the Earth and
the destructive civilization, urbanization and
Heat and cold today are not natural all over
the world and are becoming more and more
poisonous and suffocating from cities, air conditioners, industry, transportation, building materials, landfills,
sewers, cesspools, burning coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, and so on; All this led to the poisoning and
destruction of the entire globe and the destruction
of the ozone layer of the atmosphere.
From environmental pollution, oxygen becomes less
and less day by day, so water and moisture from
the soil evaporate thousands of times faster.
Please save Nature from the people - monsters,
they poisoned, mutilated, devastated and
destroyed the entire earth, water and atmosphere
and turned the entire Planet into hell.
Climate protests in the USA, Canada, England,
Russia, China, India, Europe, Asia, Africa and
the East, protesters call on the authorities
of all countries of the world to urgently ban
all types of mining coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore, salt, diamonds,
gold, copper and much more:
The extraction of everything from the Earth
led to - the global destruction of the globe and
climate change to the apocalypse on the Planet.
In Europe, the USA, Canada, India, Africa,
Asia and the East, there is not
a single milligram of clean water left,
there is no clean soil and air left,
this is today's catastrophic environmental
pollution and the reality is
catastrophic climate change on the Planet.
American protector of the environment -
James Lee was right that humans are
the only monsters in the whole world with
false laws, morals, religions and cultures
destroyed the entire habitat, destroyed and
poisoned the entire Earth and destroyed
the flora and fauna and turned
the whole world into a concentration camp.
Huge underground voids formed as a result
of the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, ore, salt and so on. Underground
voids from the extraction of everything from
the Earth occurs earthquakes in different regions and
continents of the world. On March 11, 2011,
a magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit Japan. It caused
a tsunami, the wave height reached 14 meters,
which covered the territory with a total area of
561 square kilometers.
In Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, there
were many shocks and a powerful earthquake
in the southeastern part of Kahramanmarash,
where the Earth split and fell into underground
voids and a deep abyss more than 200 meters
wide was formed.
People around the world do not think that
mining everything from the Earth will lead to
earthquakes, tsunamis and the death of the globe
and flora and fauna. From the extraction of peat,
ore, salt, soil, stone, gravel, sand, diamonds,
emerald, gold, copper, coal, shale, gas, oil and
much more, underground voids have formed
around the globe, the depth of which is more
than 15 thousand meters and these underground
voids disappear underground waters, as well as
stream, rivers, lakes and seas. Evidence of this is
the death of 57 thousand rivers in all
regions and continents of the world and
the death of the Aral Sea.
Defenders of Nature everywhere
are constantly calling on all mankind to stop
mining coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ore, salt and much more and save
the globe from a global catastrophe and prevent
the apocalypse. To all of us, urgently in all
regions and continents of the world,
for the sake of saving the globe,
forever ban all mining of coal, peat, ore, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, salt, copper, oil, gas,
shale and much more, this is the only way
we we will be able to save the Planet
from the global apocalypse,
from which no one and nowhere can be saved.
Mankind has mutilated and poisoned everything -
the Earth, water and atmosphere, today nowhere
in the world there is not a milligram - clean - water,
soil, and nowhere on the Planet is there - left -
clean air. From the extraction of everything
from the Earth, it dies and all life on the Planet too.
From the devastation of the globe and
environmental pollution, everything mutates.
The proof of this is that everything is born and
grows in all regions and
continents as mutants and freaks.