Climate protests in USA, England, France,
Canada and in all regions and continents
of the world are against the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, salt, ore and so on.
In Europe, Asia, Africa, in the East and
in hhe North from the extraction
of coal, ore, oil, gas, peat, shale, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, ore, salt and so on:
In all regions and continents of the world -
the Earth is completely devastated,
mutilated and poisoned, just like water,
air and atmosphere and the whole
planet is poisoned, so acid snows and
rains fall. Many species of flora and fauna
have died from environmental pollution.
From the extraction of everything from the Earth
in all regions and continents of the world,
huge underground voids, quarries, funnels and
cracks have formed around the globe,
all the water from streams, ponds, rivers and lakes.
And for this reason, in all regions and
continents world, the defenders of Nature
are sounding the alarm: the rivers and
lakes of the region have become
shallow to a critical level, that the authorities
of many countries of the world have declared
an emergency. It has become so shallow
that many rivers and lakes on the continents
are reduced in length and width;
The rivers become shallow and dry up so much
that they have become practically dead, where
all kinds of toxic waste from factories, factories,
combines, industrial enterprises, cesspools,
sewers, garbage from cities and towns,
all of them have poisoned the entire globe,
water and atmosphere, as a result
of which the Earth
is dying from pollution and devastation.
This is already a global catastrophe
and an apocalypse, that there is nothing natural
left on the globe, and all mutants and freaks
from - devastated and poisoned surroundings
in the middle of nowhere
on the globe - not a milligram of clean water,
soil and nowhere is there clean air.
And people continue to destroy
all life on the Planet.
In all countries of the world,
2725 environmentalists were killed in 2022,
In the USA, on January 18, 2023, in Atlanta,
Georgia, police shot down a defender
of Nature, after which mass protests took
place against the death of the defender of Nature,
26-year-old activist -
Manuel Esteban Paez Teran - Tortugits.
In Germany, in the city of Berlin near
the Reichstag, the defenders of Nature
held posters in their hands.
They were written "Save the Earth
and forever stop the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, ore, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
salt and so on, the extraction of everything
from the earth led to catastrophic climate change.
Defenders of nature believe that
the criminal actions of all mankind
will turn the entire Earth into a dead zone
from environmental pollution,
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
ore, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on.
In Germany, medical research and specialists
come to the conclusion about the following
causes and sources of all diseases in all regions
of the world.
At the Berlin Medical Center, an international team
of doctors conducted a study and found that
the increasing pollution of land, water
and air with thousands of different toxic wastes
and chemicals, as well as the extraction
and burning of coal, oil, gas, peat,
shale and chemicals led to an increase
in all diseases, as well as cancer of the stomach,
skin, eyes, mouth, throat, larynx, teeth, lungs,
heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, bones, ovaries,
bladder, subungual and nail plates.
All diseases from the criminal activities
of all mankind - sewers, landfills, cesspools,
cities, all kinds of industries, plants, factories,
combines, transport, as well as the extraction
and burning of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat
and chemicals.
Water, air and Earth are all poisoned and nowhere
in the world there is clean water, soil and air,
and nowhere in the world there is not
a milligram of clean water and land, and even
in the Arctic everything is poisoned
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas and so on.
Environmental pollution and
environmental problems in all countries
of the world do not know state borders,
all toxic waste and chemicals spread
through water, soil, wind, clouds, as well
as through the evaporation of toxic substances
from industry, building materials, transport,
landfills, sewers and cesspools, and chemical and
acid clouds from all environmental pollution,
so acid rain and snow.
The poisoning of water, land, air and
the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere
is one of the main problems of climate change
to catastrophic in all regions of the world.
If humanity in all regions of the world continues
to extract everything from the earth and pollute
the earth, water and atmosphere,
then a global apocalypse will come,
where everyone will die long and painfully.
Climate catastrophes in world.
Environmental problems
in Russia, China, India, USA, Canada, Indonesia,
Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Japan, Korea,
Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines.
Vietnam, Kenya, UAE, Taiwan, Jordan, Finland,
the Netherlands - Holland, Sweden, Great Britain,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova,
Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia,
Latvia and in all countries of the world,
the mining company and the mining industry
have poisoned all rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans, land and atmosphere and turned
the whole world into hell and into a huge
abyss and into huge underground voids
and funnels, all water goes into all those voids,
and all rivers, lakes become shallow
and dry up, and the earth is cracking
from underground voids.
Отредактировано Nazar (2023-04-23 16:29:30)