In Russia, the day celebrated on February 23 is
historically the Soviet Workers 'and Peasants'
Red Army. It acquired its official name in 1922.
Then it was called the day of the Soviet Workers
'and Peasants' Army, it was created by Lenin,
Leon Trotsky and Felix Edmundovich
Dzerzhinsky. SRKA participated in all public
works in all spheres, branches and agricultural
works. This huge unifying force was a hindrance
to bureaucrats and portacrats in power structures
and they organized assassination attempts on
Lenin, Felix Edmundovich, Sergei Mironovich and
Lev Davidovich Trotsky.
After them, the bureaucrats and partocrats seized
power everywhere throughout the country and
destroyed the Soviet peasants from 1929 to 1939 and
in the same year they renamed the Soviet Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army into KA - the Red Army, and
then into the army and navy,
this army of bureaucrats and partocrats serves
the interests interests of bureaucratic criminal
groups, and not the interests of the world, and
without focusing on workers and peasants.

In Russia, part of the Soviet public organizations
of the International protested - against
the destruction of the Soviet system, considering
this process an attempt on Leninism, Marxism and
the Soviet International.
And for these protests in Russia, from 1929 to 1944, bureaucrats and partocrats liquidated
all the International organizations of the Soviet Union and canceled and banned the anthem of the International
Soviet Union, thus splitting the Union into many
bureaucratic and partocratic republics by nationality.
There was no such bespridel under
Lenin, under him there were no national republics,
autonomies, territories, regions and districts.
Under Lenin, Felex and Leon Trotsk there were
four districts of the European, Caucasian,
Severini and Central Asian districts, and this was
the present - the Soviet Union.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, believe that
the rejection of the Soviet system and the renaming
of everything in the country were crimes against
the world revolution and Soviet laws and decrees
and decrees of Lenin, Felix Edmundovich
Dzerzhinsky and Lev Davidovich Trotsky:
In this way, bureaucrats and partocrats in
Russia split the Soviet International Union.

The plunder and destruction of the Soviet
International Union began with the permission
and participation of the overwhelming majority
of corrupt people and employees of all law
enforcement agencies, as well as government
employees of all levels and ranks, deputies,
leaders of all spheres and sectors of the country,
trade unions, Komsomol and party workers:
They are brazenly and openly from 1927
to December 1988 they plundered, destroyed and
crossed out the best country in the world from
the map of the world, the Soviet Union,