At climate protests and rallies, millions of
people around the world came out and joined
the conservationists demanding an urgent
cessation of all types of mining - coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, ore, nickel, copper,
silver, bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium,
aluminum, titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide,
tungsten, zirconium, magnesium, potassium,
vanadium, molybdenum, palladium, amber,
crystal, emerald, opal, musgravite, benitoite,
sapphire, alexandrium, manganese and so on:
The extraction of everything from the Earth led
to the destruction and devastation of the globe
and to catastrophic climate changes
on the Planet.
Climate protests are one of the most special measures and effective
ways to draw the attention of the authorities
to the problems of environmental pollution and
catastrophic climate change in all regions and
continents of the world, and this is already a
global apocalypse. Defenders of Nature by all
means and ways are trying to draw attention
to the problem of catastrophic climate change
on the planet.
Today climate protests are taking place
in 150 countries of the world against
the extraction and burning of coal, oil,
gas, shale, peat, as well as against
all types of extraction from the Earth all over
the world, for the sake of preserving Nature
and life on Earth.
In the USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Russia, China, India, Europe, Asia,
Africa and the East, the whole Earth, water and
air are poisoned from the mining and
burning of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
as well as thousands poisonous
substances, chemicals, industry, transport,
cities, landfills, sewers and cesspools.
Today, all regions and continents
of the world are experiencing an acute
shortage of clean soil, air and water.
Polluted and Poisoned Earth, water and
atmosphere are not purified by anything -
from thousands of poisonous substances.
Secondly, not a single treatment plant
in the world can clean gas,
coal, shale and thousands of toxic substances
and chemicals from oil. Everything with which
we pollute and poison everything on the Planet,
everything concerns everyone, regardless of
where you live. And you, like everyone on
the Planet, get sick and die painfully
from polluted and poisoned soil,
water and air, polluted environments
do not know borders, barriers and obstacles.
All poisonous substances easily
spread around the globe.
Before it's too late to urgently abandon
harmful civilization, urbanization,
industrialization and
stop all kinds of mining - coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, ore, nickel, copper, silver,
bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt, sand , stone,
diamond, gold, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium,
aluminum, titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide,
tungsten, zirconium, magnesium, potassium,
vanadium, molybdenum, palladium, amber,
crystal, emerald, opal, musgravite, benitoite ,
sapphire, alexandrium, manganese and so on:
The extraction of everything from the Earth led
to the destruction and devastation of the globe
- huge underground voids, carrera, funnels and
abysses in all regions and continents:
From the devastation, the Earth dies all living
organisms and all are born mutants and freaks.
Today, there is nothing natural anywhere, but
only mutants and freaks. Let's wake up to live
like an ant according to the laws of Nature,
the only way to save life on Earth.