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Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In Russia there is no medicine, but there is a business plan.

In Russia there is no medicine, but there is a business plan.

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In Russia, medical and spa services are the worst
in the world. There is no health care throughout
the country, but there is a business plan for the
development of budgetary funds - taxpayers'
money. We are brazenly deceived and they say
that we are served and provided with free medical
services, all this is a lie and it happens - from the
fact that many millions of people believe in this
nonsense and forget that they paid everything
in the form of taxes in advance:
This is how we are, taxpayers, to finance all areas
of medicine, education, all security forces,
all ministries, civil servants of all levels
and ranks, deputies, senators, as well
as all areas of housing and communal services,
construction and the entire sphere of industry
and agriculture.

For our money, civil servants of all levels
and ranks, deputies and senators constantly
create a lot of problems, barriers, obstacles for us
and cripple our nerves and health.
Today it is dangerous to apply to any authorities
and medical institutions and organizations.
Most people who mutilate and kill
all living things get off with only ostentatious
reprimands and very rarely it comes to an
investigation and a ban on the profession.
People do not think at all that you first
need to become a conscientious
and hardworking person, and only
then a specialist. Today, kind and honest people
are listed in the International Red Book as a rare
species of people.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
was completely disappointed in
medicine from 1986 to 1989, when all sorts
of swindlers of all stripes came up with all sorts
of filth, all sorts of drugs, apparatus, devices and
medical products: They are still widely used
in all countries in the fields of medicine
and no one talks about their harm to health
and many people become disabled
and die from them.

And the global virus and cornavirus scam, this
scam has affected many people in all countries
of the world and many have become permanently
disabled after being vaccinated against COVID.
Today, in all countries of the world, everyone is
being poisoned with all kinds of chemicals,
pesticides and herbicides.



In Russia and in all countries of the world,
many people think that I tweet for money, I
am not a corrupt person and it is impossible
to buy me, my reputation is more valuable
than any money, gold, diamonds and
materialism ----- If a person is not decent,
but a prostitute and corrupt, then he is
without power and with power, and
everywhere they remain like that and change
their mask at any convenient moment for
their criminal purposes and profit. Proof of
this are the events from February 1924 to
this day, only often changing their views in
favor of criminal goals and slogans. Here are
the facts of history: after the death of Lenin,
bureaucrats and partocrats canceled all his
decrees and laws, Felix Edmundovich
Dzerzhinsky, Lev Davidovich Trotsky and
Sergei Mironovich Kirov spoke out against
this, these are decent people, because of
this they were removed. They were
revolutionaries and activists of the twentieth
century, the founders of one of the currents
of Leninism, Marxism and internationalism.
They took part in the creation of the
Comintern, the Red Workers of the Peasant
Army, were one of the organizers of the 1917
revolution and the founders of the Soviet
International Union. All that he and Lenin had
created, all that was good for the
International of the Soviet Union, all this was
destroyed by bureaucrats and partocrats
from March 1924 to 1947.
In the autumn of the same year, the leader of
Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, spoke out
against the destruction of the International
Union and spoke out against the criminal
policy of the Kremlin bureaucrats and



В России и во всех странах мира многие
думают, что я чирикаю за деньги, я не
продажный человек и меня невозможно
купить, моя репутация дороже любых
денег, золота, бриллиантов и
материализма --- -- Если человек не
порядочный, а проститутка и продажный,
то он без власти и с властью, и везде
остаются такими и меняют маску в
любой удобный момент для своих
преступных целей и наживы.
Доказательством тому служат события с
февраля 1924 г. и по сей день, лишь
часто меняющие свои взгляды в пользу
преступных целей и лозунгов. Вот факты
истории: после смерти Ленина
бюрократы и партократы отменили все
его указы и законы, против этого
высказались Феликс Эдмундович
Дзержинский, Лев Давидович Троцкий и
Сергей Миронович Киров, это
порядочные люди, из-за этого они были
сняты . Это были революционеры и
активисты ХХ века, основатели одного из
течений ленинизма, марксизма и
интернационализма. Они принимали
участие в создании Коминтерна,
Краснорабочих Крестьянской Армии,
были одним из организаторов революции
1917 года и основателями Советского
Интернационального Союза. Все, что
было создано им и Лениным, все, что
было хорошего для Интернационала
Советского Союза, все это было
разрушено бюрократами и партократами
с марта 1924 по 1947 год.
Осенью того же года лидер Югославии
Иосип Броз Тито выступил против
разрушения Международного союза и
выступил против преступной политики
кремлевских бюрократов и партократов.


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In Russia there is no medicine, but there is a business plan.