In Europe, those who have visited paid attention
to the fact that there is cleanliness and order,
while we have chaos, devastation, speculation,
puddles and garbage all around and everywhere.
In Russia, officials are stealing billions, trillions
and burying the same amount in the sand, so
houses, buildings, bridges, roads and highways,
built a hundred times over at speculative prices,
are crumbling all over the country. The proof of
all this is that everything is done through
hundreds of thousands of intermediary
companies, organizations, firms and dummies, so
there is complete chaos and devastation
everywhere in the country. It is a pity that
officials, deputies, senators and civil servants
from district, city, regional, republican and federal
structures do not live in these places where
chaos and devastation reign.
In Russia everything in the country is built
and produced at our expense - money - taxpayers
and at our expense all the security forces,
civil servants of all levels and ranks, deputies,
senators and Tuniyadtsy of all stripes live.
They all have the audacity to constantly demand
more and more money from us through
a lot of fraudulent laws, frauds
and through speculative prices and tariffs
for everything anywhere and everywhere,
thus civil servants of all levels and ranks
are constantly brazenly robbing the people.
In Russia, all the money of the country's budget
is the money of the entire people,
deprived of all rights and even the right
to rallies and protests
against bureaucratic lawlessness.
During rain and snow, puddles form in many
places and all the water flows down from two
sides at once, and there is nowhere for it to go
and washes away the asphalt.
This is due to the fact that, under the leadership
of officials, they destroy all high-quality roads,
sidewalks, where everything is ruthlessly
demolished and new, lower quality asphalt
is laid, therefore asphalt is often removed
on the roads, this is an open form
of theft of budget funds - taxpayers' money.
Civil servants of all levels and ranks
are constantly robbing the country
and people with the help of fraudulent laws
and schemes, stealing billions
and trillions of rubles - budget funds through
hundreds of thousands of intermediary
companies, organizations, firms and nominees.
Civil servants, with their help, from June 1985 to
December 1988, plundered, destroyed and
crossed out from the world map the best country
in the world - the Soviet Union,
as well as Yugoslavia.
Отредактировано Nazar (2022-11-03 10:08:19)