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The Estonian Soviet Republic was prosperous in the Union.

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The Soviet Union was on the shoulders of Lenin,
Felix Edmondovich, Lev Davidovich and
Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, these wonderful
people lived for the sake of peace and stability
in all regions of the world, for this an international
revolution took place in different parts of the
world. To such remarkable people we owe many
achievements of the revolution for world peace.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Ulyanov,
1870-1924. Internationalist, revolutionary thinker,
successor to the work of Marx and Engels,
organizer and founder of the Union of Soviet
Internationals. Author of numerous works
on the issues of the world revolution
and the construction
of the World International Union.

Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky
1877 - 1926. Internationalist, revolutionary,
Marxist, Leninist, leader of the International
Movement in the Soviet Union,
head of all spheres and branches
of the Soviet Union.

Lev Davidovich Trotsky, 1879-1940.
Internationalist, revolutionary, famous world
revolutionary, Marxist, Leninist and founder
of the Union of the International in Germany,
USA, England, France, Spain. and so on.
He took part in the creation of the Comintern,
the Red Army, was one of the organizers
of the 1917 revolution.
In the first government of the Soviet Union,
he led the International Movement
and fought against the opponents of the world

Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich,
1911 - 1985. Internationalist, revolutionary,
Marxist, Leninist and leader
of the Leninist movement in the USSR, USA,
France, Spain, Argentina, Germany,
England and so on. The main ideologist
of the Soviet Union for 30 years
and led the country from 1984 to 1985,
in October 1977 he voted against
the abolition of the USSR
Constitution, and also spoke out against
military intervention in the affairs
of Afghanistan and other countries
of the world. But unfortunately,
then and today everyone is ruled by employees
of all law enforcement agencies



In Russia and the USSR, Konstantin Ustinovich
Chernenko in 1978 at the Kremlin Palace
of Congresses spoke at the November
plenum of the Central Committee
of the CPSU against the change of power
in Afghanistan and warned that
the military intervention of power structures
in the affairs of Afghanistan would lead
to numerous casualties and destruction,
and by your actions you would compromise
the Soviet Union on the whole world
before the world community.

None of the security forces, civil
servants and deputies supported
Chernenko's peace initiative.

Also, the delegates of the CPSU
Congress did not support Sakharov's
peace initiative in 1989.

Also, the security forces, civil servants
and deputies of the Supreme Council
did not support the proposal of Boris
Nikolaevich Yeltsin not to interfere
in the affairs of other republics,
and he said that the introduction of troops
into Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan,
Chechen-Ingushetia and other
republics would lead to a split in society
and territory their residence.
And everyone opposed the initiative
of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin,
and this served as an impetus for a conflict
with the security forces and deputies
of the Supreme Council.

Boris Yeltsin signed Decree
No. 1400 on the dissolution of the Constitutional
Court and the Supreme Council and deputies.
They, with the help of power structures, brought
Yeltsin to power in Russia on May 29, 1990,
and thought that he would be pawns
in their hands, and Boris Nikolaevich was not
the person who could be used as a pawn.
Yeltsin was the only person in Russia
and the Soviet Union who spoke
openly at the CPSU congress from 1981 to 1988
against the bureaucrats and partocrats who were
leading the country to the plunder and destruction
of the USSR.

Boris Yeltsin was born on February 1, 1931,
in the village of Butka,
Talitsky District, Sverdlovsk Region,
into a peasant family. In 1955 he graduated
from the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk;
since 1955 he worked in construction
organizations, since 1963 - chief engineer,
head of the Sverdlovsk house-building plant.
In 1968-1988 he was at party work: since 1976 -
the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional
committee. Since 1981 he has been
a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

The siloviki raised Yeltsin higher and higher
and nominated him for the post
of first secretary of the Moscow City Party
Committee, thinking that he would serve them,
instead he disbanded them -
the bureaucrats and partocrats who were
supporters of the siloviki and Gorbachev.
They appointed Yeltsin to the post
of the Moscow City Party Committee
in order to remove Grishin from
his post, he openly opposed the appointment
of Gorbachev as the General Secretary
of the CPSU, arguing that Mikhail Sergeevich
was not a serious person and would
dangerously allow such people
to power, they were puppets in the hands of
bureaucrats, partocrats and security officials.
And Yeltsin repeated these same words
at the CPSU congress in 1987, saying
that Gorbachev and other communists,
posing as party members,
were inactive and interfered with all work
in the country.

Yeltsin stood up for Grishin, that he was a good
leader and that he should not be fired from
the Politburo.
Viktor Vasilyevich Grishin was a supporter
of Lenin, Felix Edmondovich, Lev Davidovich
and Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko,
thanks to whom the peoples
of the Soviet Union lived in peace
and harmony. This stability prevented
employees of all power structures,
civil servants, deputies, directors, trade unions
and party workers from plundering
and destroying the international country
of the Soviet Union, and Gorbachev was
in collusion with the security
forces and deputies who incited hatred, enmity,
conflicts and wars in the country.
They were opposed by Viktor Vasilyevich Grishin,
Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunaev,
Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin and Kebin, Johannes
Gustavovich, they were against the abolition
of the decrees of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko,
who signed an agreement with all republics
on the inviolable laws of the USSR
and on friendship and cooperation
with all countries of the world
and disarmed for world peace.

Kremlin bureaucrats and partocrats fabricated
charges against Grishin. Dinmukhamed, Yeltsin
and Kabin and they were removed from power.

In August 1991, Grishin Viktor Vasilievich was
summoned by the security forces to the General
Prosecutor's Office of Russia in connection with
a criminal case against the Supporters
of the Restored Soviet Union,
and refused to read and sign the protocol
of interrogation, believing that
the investigation against Gennady Yanaev,
Boris Pugo, Dmitry Yazov, Vladimir Kryuchkov,
Oleg Baklanov, Vasily Starodubtsev, Alexander
Tizyakov and Valentin Pavlov illegal, who did not
commit any crimes, but wanted to restore
the Soviet Union and save the people
from complete
degradation and from fratricidal wars.

Отредактировано Nazar (2022-10-12 13:06:37)



In Russia, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin has always
been for the Soviet Union and he is not guilty
of the destruction of the USSR, but he tried
to save the Union from June 1985 to
December 1988, and no one supported
him in this good deed.

In the USSR, 250 million people
participated in the destruction of the country
and the great country was plundered,
destroyed and crossed out from the world map
in January 1989.
The Soviet Union was the best country in the
world, where there was real freedom and justice.

In the USSR, the vast majority of government
officials and people were criminals,
they robbed, destroyed everything that was
created by Lenin and Felix Edmondovich
Dzerzhinsky. Everything began to be destroyed
from 1929 to December 1988. Over the course
of 60 years, they gradually destroyed the Soviet
system and liquidated the USSR in January 1989.

The referendum of March 17, 1991 became
a world show, a disgrace and deception
of the entire world community.
In this performance, called a referendum,
the question was raised: “Do you consider
it necessary to preserve the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics,
from this question it was clear that the USSR
was plundered, destroyed and wiped
off the map of the world.

Many millions of people who in the early 1990s
believed in a global deception organized
by employees of all power structures,
their project was Kashpirovsky,
Chumak and many other people who, under
the leadership of the security forces, fooled
the people as they wanted, they were provided
with everything performance venues,
as well as the Kremlin Palace of Congresses,
clubs, cinemas, stadiums, their performances
were shown on all TV channels in Russia
and in the former Soviet republics. Millions
of people in Russia and the former republics
of the USSR with their whole
families were looking forward to Kashpirovsky
and Chumak, arranging cans, glasses
and basins of water in front of the "blue screen",
these same suckers took part in a performance
called a referendum. And these millions of people
did not support the restoration of the USSR
on August 19, 1991, where there are wonderful
people Gennady Yanaev, Boris Pugo,
Dmitry Yazov, Vladimir Kryuchkov,
Oleg Baklanov, Vasily Starodubtsev,
Alexander Tizyakov and Valentin
Pavlov. wanted to restore the USSR
and restore order in all the republics.
Yeltsin was the organizer of the restoration
of the Union when he learned that no one supported
them, and immediately acted as an opposition
so that suspicion would not fall on him.
this role provided him with an alibi.



In Russia the main organizer
on August 19, 1991, about the revival
of the Soviet Union was Boris Nikolaevich
Yeltsin, he was in the shadows
and saw that in Russia and in all the former
Soviet republics no one came out in support
of the participants in the revival
of the USSR - Boris Pugo Gennady Yanaev,
Dmitry Yazov, Vladimir,
Kryuchkov, Oleg Baklanov Baklanov, Vasily
Starodubtsev, Alexander Tizyakov and Valentin
Pavlov. Yeltsin on August 19, 1991, played
the role of the opposition and thereby saved
the lives of the participants in the revival
of the Soviet Union - the GKChP.
Not a single TV channel in Russia
and other post-Soviet republics showed
Yanaev’s August 19 appeal to the people about
the revival of the Soviet Union and restoring order
in all the former Soviet republics, instead, ballet
dancers were shown at the direction of
employees of all law enforcement agencies.

Russia and all the former Soviet republics,
millions of people woke up and habitually
turned on the TV to watch the morning
programs, but as they switched channel
after channel, they only stumbled upon
the ballet Swan Lake. this is how
law enforcement agencies classified
from the people the press conference
and Yanaev's appeal to the entire world
community. He and his comrades were arrested,
except for Boris Pugo,
he could not stand the betrayal of the people,
as well as employees of all law enforcement
agencies, civil servants of all levels and ranks,
deputies, directors of all spheres and industries,
trade unions, communists and Komsomol
members, Boris Pugo August 22, 1991 year,
he committed suicide with his wife.

Boris Pugo left a suicide note on the table:
“I trusted people too much. I worked honestly
and lived all my life for the sake of the Soviet
Motherland. My wife wrote even shorter:
I can no longer live in a society of traitors
and liars. At their funeral there was not
a single law enforcement officer, civil servants
and deputies.
The son of the deceased had difficulty burying

Boris Pugo and Valentina
Ivanovna Pugo were not allowed to bury these
wonderful people in time by law enforcement
officers who fabricated charges against them.

In Russia, the arrest of innocent people -
participants in the revival of the USSR -:
the State Emergency Committee, was a betrayal
of employees of all law enforcement agencies,
civil servants, deputies, directors of all spheres
and industries, trade unions, communists
and Komsomol members. From June 1985 to
December 1988, they plundered, destroyed
and crossed out from the world map
the best country in the world - the Soviet Union.

In August 1991, law enforcement officers
and deputies demanded the execution
of the participants in the revival of the USSR -
the State Emergency Committee, Boris
Nikolayevich Yeltsin opposed this
and he said that I was categorically
against the history of 1937-1938, executions
and repressions and we do not need political
repressions and executions .

On Yeltsin's instructions, all participants i
n the events of August 19, 1991 - Gennady Yanaev,
Dmitry Yazov, Vladimir Kryuchkov, Oleg Baklanov,
Vasily Starodubtsev, Alexander Tizyakov
and Valentin Pavlov - were released from prison.



The Orenburg region is in the same
devastation as throughout the country:
In the Moscow region, until 2000, life was
in full swing and people worked
and lived. And with the coming to power
of bureaucrats, partocrats,
deputies and senators, they plundered
and destroyed everything. Ghost town
Chkalov-3 | Huge Abandoned Hospital


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » The Estonian Soviet Republic was prosperous in the Union.