форум СШ№18 г.Гродно

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Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In the US presidential election victory for Hillary Clinton

In the US presidential election victory for Hillary Clinton

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Future President Hillary Clinton to Congress supporters movement to protect Nature. Catastrophic climate change is the impact of mining salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so forth: the World is on the verge of global catastrophe from human activities. Climate change, which can lead to the deterioration of living conditions on the planet. Hillary Clinton made a special appeal to the world community to permanently cease the production of oil, gas, coal , ore and so on: so we can save the Nature and protect from man. Residents of USA are protesting against the mining of coal, oil, gas and so on. Numerous species of fish, seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles have been impacted from the oil spill of Louisiana.  Oil spot the size of 2-3 sq. centimetre can be enough to kill a bird. The insulating effect of the plumage is destroyed by the oil, and the bird freezes to death. If a bird gets smeared with a lot of oil it may clog the bird's feathers making it impossible for it to fly. The bird may also loose it buoyancy its ability to float on the water surface and actually drown. In their efforts to clean themselves from oil and put their feathers in their original state, the birds may inhale or ingest oil. As many of the substances in oil are toxic, this may result in seriousinjuries/health effects such as pneumonia, congested lungs, intestinal or lung hemorrhage, liver and kidney damage. This poisoning is often as deadly as hypothermia, although the effects may not manifest themselves as quickly. Oil may also affect the reproductive success of the birds as oil from feathers of a bird that is laying on eggs may pass through the pores in the eggshells and either kill the embryos or lead to malformations. In all countries for irreversible climate change due to urbanisation and industrialization, has led to irreparable consequences and ecological catastrophes in all countries of the world. Annually in the world due to human activities all the fires - the burning of the forest everywhere. For us, conservation Nature became one of the most important issues in the world. I appeal to all mankind, to all the world to stop and imagine this picture that breathe nothing to quench the thirst nothing, is heat or cold , floods or drought. Then all will end, therefore, it is necessary to promptly abandon all harmful. Germany, England, Russia, USA, France, Canada, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, China, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, UAE, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, China, Qatar, Kenya, Kuwait, Cameroon, Nigeria and all countries of the world environmental disaster, environmental pollution and ecological problems all over the world All Show business, sports, movies and the whole entertainment industry TV and all political parties in all countries of the world is a terrible drug for everyone the peoples of the world: Bureaucratic gangs all forces and means to direct intoxication of the masses all over the world and turn people into monsters. Stop forever oil, gas, coal, ore and so on: and save the Nature. People please stop and do not destroy mother Nature. What is happening in Russia and all countries of the world resembles the Apocalypse: a huge territory turned into a dead zone and hell, People knowing that their every move could lead to a global catastrophe and blatantly destroy Nature. Russia and in all countries, coal mining, ore, oil, gas, salt and so on: has Led to global climate changes for the worst in the world. The worst of climate change can still be averted - it is urgently necessary to permanently stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, coal, ore, salt, oil, gas and more. So, we can prevent global Ecological Disaster. So, we can prevent global Ecological Disaster. And all countries of the world: Irreversible climate change due to urbanization and industrialization, it has led to irreparable consequences. Environmental disaster in all countries of the world, have occurred for centuries and by human activity. Annually in the world as a result of human activity forests are burning all over the world. For us theprotection of nature has become one of the most important topics in the world. Natural habitat at risk from oil, gas, coal. ore, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone and much more, from the extraction of all of this urgently needs to be abandoned for the sake of preserving life on Earth. Conservationists from around the world made an appeal to the world community to permanently ceased production of oil, gas, coal , ore and so on: so we can save Nature and to protect from man. Largest Oil Spill in the USA - Deepwater Horizon Documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUUcv1HkKgQ&sns=tw



environmental problems in burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, and gas: greenhouse effect, which is changing the Earth's climate; acid rain, which is destroying forests and killing fish.


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In the US presidential election victory for Hillary Clinton