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Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In Russia oppositionists are arrested.

In Russia oppositionists are arrested.

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In Russia, Sverdlov, Kuibeshev and their supporters
formed a majority in the Politburo
and the bureaucratic party - Bolshakova
they opposed Lenin, Felix Dzerzhinsky
and the leader of the Workers 'and Peasants'
Red Army Leon Trotsky.
The life, struggle and death of Trotsky,
one of the main organizers of the 1917 revolution
and the creator and leader of the Workers'
and Peasants' Red Army, he was removed
from all positions from February 1924
to October 1927 and the Workers' and Peasants'
Red Army and the International Soviet Union,
in their place they created national territories,
regions, territories, autonomy and republics,
which is how the USSR was created.
Until 1928, in the International - Soviet Union -
there were no national territories
and this greatly irritated the bureaucrats
and partycrats who were striving for the split
of the International Union and the arrest
of its leader Leon Trotsky and he was under
house arrest, and then deported from Russia
during the struggle against the Menshevik Party
and the fight against Trotskyism.
On January 19, 1929, by decision
of the Central Committee of the PB
and the Politburo, a warrant was issued
for the expulsion of the leader
of the International from Russia
and other republics.
By this time, Leon Trotsky had already been
in exile in Alma-Ata for a year
for anti-bureaucratic rallies and protests.
The governments of many regions and continents
of the world opposed Trotsky and European, Western,
Asian, Eastern and African authorities refused
to grant him political asylum.
The Soviet Internationalist and revolutionary
was invited to Mexico in 1937 at the personal
invitation of Mexican President Lazaro Cardenas,
who granted him political asylum
and Trotsky thanked him for his hospitality.
The role of Leon Trotsky in the 1917 revolution.
Who was the real leader of the October Revolution?
Роль Льва Троцкого в революции 1917 года.
Кто был действительным вождём Октябрьского

В те годы и сегодня бюрократы



All accusations against Helen
and Nicolae Ceausescu are disinformation
and obvious deception from beginning
to end; today the entire world history
is being desecrated.
I am Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
is shocked that the Kremlin
and Romanian political strategists are
desecrating the memory of the Great Elena
and Nicolae Ceausescu,
under them the Romanian people lived
better than in Switzerland.
This is how the Libyan people lived
under Gaddafi and lived just as well -
the Yugoslav people, the Czechoslovak people,
the Polish people, the Hungarian people,
the Bulgarian people,
the German democratic people,
the Albanian people.
Today everyone lives in all regions
and continents of the world
in hell and in a real concentration camp,
where people are dying painfully today.
In Romania, 78% of people
consider Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
to be the best leaders
of Romania in the last 180 years.
Thus, the leaders of Socialist Romania
took an honorable first place.
Today's civil servants of all levels
and ranks and deputies are
in a shamefully low place,
and still have the audacity to blame
good people - Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu.

Отредактировано Nazar (2024-03-16 21:05:24)


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In Russia oppositionists are arrested.