Climate protests in Germany, USA, France,
England, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, USA,
Canada, India, Venezuela, Indonesia,
China, Australia, Asia,
Africa, the East and all regions and continents
of the world against mining coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
copper, nickel, ore, diamonds,
gold, silver, emerald, amber, asbestos,
limestone, uranium, chalk, soda and so on.
Civil servants, deputies, senators,
authorities and security forces
use all their forces against us, weapons,
chemical weapons against participants
in peaceful rallies, actions
and protests against the mining
of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ores, salts and so on.
Environmental pollution everywhere is horrific
and catastrophic - the entire Earth, water
and atmosphere are poisoned
as a result of the mining and burning
of coal, oil, gas, shale and so on.
The extraction of everything from the Earth
led to the destruction of the globe -
everywhere huge underground voids,
quarries, craters and abysses led
to the death of the Earth, rivers, lakes,
seas, oceans, forests, meadows,
mountains and all life on the Planet.
The entire globe is devastated
and poisoned, and because
of this everyone is born mutants and freaks.
There is not a single milligram of clean soil
and water left anywhere on the Planet,
due to the devastated and poisoned globe,
the cause of all diseases throughout the world,
and everyone gets sick and dies painfully.
Environmental pollution from
the mining and burning of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, as well as industry, transport,
cities, towns, sewers, cesspools,
landfills and so on.
Humanity has destroyed and poisoned
the entire globe, water and atmosphere.
From the extraction of everything
from the Earth, huge underground voids,
quarries, funnels and abysses were formed,
and all the water from the stream,
river and lake goes into the void
and disappears forever, and this led
to the shallowing and drying out of streams,
rivers, lakes, groundwater and the Aral Sea,
this is already a global catastrophe.
Climate disasters in all regions and
continents of the world, where water in rivers
goes into underground voids, streams,
rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater
become shallow and dry up.
Water is becoming scarcer everywhere
in Germany, Russia, France, Poland,
Romania, Spain, Portugal, Greece,
Italy, the Netherlands, USA,
Canada, Australia. . In India, China, Europe,
Asia, Africa, the East and all regions
and continents of the world, water levels
everywhere have reached
record lows; year after year, all rivers
and lakes become shallow,
dry up and disappear everywhere
due to the extraction of coal,
oil and gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, copper, nickel,
salt, ore and so on.
Rivers and lakes are becoming shallow
and drying up at a catastrophic rate
in the USA, Germany, Bulgaria,
Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Russia,
France, Poland, Romania, Spain, Portugal,
Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada,
Australia, India, China, Asia, Africa,
in the East and in all regions and continents
of the world and Europe: the Danube, Oder,
Rhine, Elbe, Main, Moselle, Saale,
Mulde, Loire and other rivers
and lakes in many places become shallow,
dry up and the water disappears forever
due to for the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ore, copper, diamonds,
gold, salt, ore and so on.
From the extraction of everything from
the Earth, huge underground voids,
huge quarries, craters and abysses
were formed, and all the water goes into
the underground voids.
The earth and all flora and fauna are
dying from a polluted,
poisoned, devastated globe.
The entire Earth, water and atmosphere
are contaminated with many toxic
and chemical substances and from all
this all the diseases
and deaths are everywhere.
There is nothing pure anywhere
in the world and there is nothing natural
anywhere, everything on the globe is born
and grows unnaturally, everything turns into
mutants and freaks.
We all live on one Planet
and pollution of the Earth, water and air
will affect everyone anywhere in the world,
which means pollution of the territory
of one country will affect all inhabitants
of the globe. Many people in different regions
and continents of the world believe
that the pollution of the Earth,
water and air from other countries
does not concern them, they say
that they live far away from them,
this criminal thinking has led to global
selfishness and idiocy.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
ask all humanity to save Nature
and stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese,
salt, ore, limestone, diamonds, gold,
silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc, lead,
chromium, soda, chalk, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, magnesium, uranium,
oxide, amber and so on and give
up everything harmful for the sake
of saving Mother Earth.
Before it's too late, you can prevent global
apocolepsis; To do this, urgently
stop the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
ore, salt, and so on.
And let's all live according to the laws
of Nature - this is the best option in the world