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Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and all Soviet republics

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Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
and all Soviet republics.
Civil servants, security officials and
deputies in October 1977 abolished
all Soviet laws and abolished the Constitution
of the Union, thus splitting the USSR
into many bureaucratic bandit principalities
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
in November 1977, wrote in writing
to the chairman of the KGB Yuri Andropov,
and then to Vitaly Fedorchuk, Viktor Chebrikov,
Vladimir Kryuchkov and Vadim Bakatin
with a request to bring to justice
all the organizers of the destruction
of the USSR and inciting enmity,
hatred, conflicts, discord and fratricidal wars.
And none of them listened to my requests
and brought order to the country and society.
Estonian officials and all former Soviet
republics are pro-Kremlin scammers.
Proof of this is the event -
in Moscow on June 26, 1988,
the Estonian delegation, under the leadership
of Kremlin bureaucrats and security officials,
staged a performance in order to fool
the people and public of the whole world
under the false slogans
of perestroika and sovereignty.
XIX Party Conference in July 1988,
one of the most shameful in world history,
at which civil servants, security officials
and deputies prepared a plan
for the liquidation of the USSR.
And in December of the same year,
the Soviet Union was destroyed,
plundered, liquidated and crossed
out from the world map the best
country in the world - the Soviet Union.
Estonian communist delegation
in front of world journalists before
the 19th party conference
28.06 - 01.07.1988:

Отредактировано Nazar (2024-01-22 03:27:07)



Russia, the USA, Germany, China, India, Europe,
the Soviet Union, Asia, Africa, the East
and all regions and continents of the world
are not to blame for anything.
Civil servants, security officials, deputies,
senators, directors, celebrities of all stripes
are to blame for everything, and crimes
are committed by people, not regions
and continents world.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
ask people and the public of all regions
and continents of the world to stop blaming Russia,
USSR, USA, France, Germany and so on.
Your arguments and any claims and accusations
should be addressed to those people
who are in power today in all structures, spheres
and industries, as well as to all civil servants,
security officials, deputies, senators, directors
and celebrities of all stripes who commit crimes
throughout history from generation to generation.
People all over the world do not want to admit
that we are all the culprits in everything
that happens in all regions
and continents of the world, where we destroyed
everything and poisoned the entire Earth,
all the rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, landscapes,
mountains, meadows, forests
and destroy flora and fauna.
The Soviet Union, Russia, USA, China, India,
Germany, France, Canada, Mexico, Brazil
and all regions and continents of the world
suffered from civil servants, security officials,
deputies, senators and celebrities
of all stripes; under their leadership,
all life on the Planet is being destroyed.
People pump everything out of the Earth
and destroy it, poison everything everywhere
and destroy the Earth and turn the globe into
a desert and dead regions and continents world.
The USSR was plundered and destroyed like
all Socialist regions of the world.
Civil servants, deputies, senators
and celebrities of all stripes
are looting and destroying everything
around the globe.

Отредактировано Nazar (2024-01-21 09:22:35)



In Estonia during the era of socialism, everything
was good in all areas and sectors,
and people lived well and better than in Switzerland.
In Soviet Estonia, the Kungla Hotel,
located at: Friedrich Reinhold Kreuzwaldi 23, in Tallinn,
which also housed a restaurant and bar,
was recognized as the best hotel in the capital.
And this good public hotel was appropriated
by bureaucrats for pennies, bought
and made Reval Park Hotel - Casino
and sold for 10 million euros, and in 2013, demolished.
In Estonia and all the Union republics in October
1977, bureaucrats and partyocrats abolished
all Soviet laws and the Union Constitution,
split the USSR into many bureaucratic
bandit principalities. And they divided among
themselves all the property
of the Soviet Union, and from June 1985
to December 1988 they plundered, destroyed,
liquidated and crossed out from the world map
the best country in the world - the Soviet Union.
Instead, they created a false sovereign state,
where workers voluntarily became slaves
and tools in the hands of security forces,
officials and deputies, and they destroyed
and are destroying the entire
landscape and Soviet history.
In Estonia, in Tallinn, the authorities
for the sake of money destroyed the
entire landscape, as well as the hotel, restaurant
and bar "Kungla"
In Soviet Estonia, we often went
to the Kungla restaurant- bar, where everything
was perfect for relaxation.
Where after work people came to relax, socialize
and dance, and I, Banzhov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
also often went to the Kungla bar to relax.
I lived near the center of Tallinn in a 9-storey
building on Männiku street 89 and from there
I took bus number 5 to the Kungla bar,
it was a wonderful place to relax.
In Soviet Estonia during the Soviet Union,
everything was fine, people lived well and
worked for the sake of the union and peace.
Eesti Nõukogude Sotsialistlik Vabariik:
talv Tallinnas. Liigifilm 1975. a
Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic:
Winter Tallinn. Species film 1975.
Эстонская Советская Социалистическая
Республика: Зимний Таллинн.
Видовой фильм 1975 г.
Eesti Nõukogude Sotsialistlik Vabariik. ENSV
KGB esimees Yu. V. Andropov Tallinnas
1974. a
Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Chairman of the KGB of the USSR:
Yu. V. Andropov in Tallinn, 1974.
Эстонская Советская Социалистическая
Республика. Председатель КГБ СССР,
Ю. В. Андропов в Таллинне, 1974 г.
Eesti NSV, Tallinna linn.
Nii hävitati NSV Liit kui Kungla hotell -
Reval Park hotell.
Estonian SSR, the city of Tallinn.
This is how they destroyed the USSR
like the Kungla Hotel - Reval Park Hotel.
Эстонская ССР, город Таллинн.
Так разрушили СССР как гостиницу "Кунгла" -
Reval Park Hotel.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv4lhr8Zt … V0YXRha3Nl



Estonian collective farm film 1950-1987.
Эстонский колхозный фильм 1950-1987 г.
Eesti kolhoosi film 1950-1987:



The Estonian SSR celebrated the 25th anniversary
of the Rõuge state farm (1983-1984).
Эстонская ССР отметила 25-летие совхоза
Рыуге (1983-1984)
Eesti NSV tähistas Rõuge sovhoosi (1983-1984)
25. aastapäeva.:


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