Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
and all Soviet republics.
Civil servants, security officials and
deputies in October 1977 abolished
all Soviet laws and abolished the Constitution
of the Union, thus splitting the USSR
into many bureaucratic bandit principalities
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
in November 1977, wrote in writing
to the chairman of the KGB Yuri Andropov,
and then to Vitaly Fedorchuk, Viktor Chebrikov,
Vladimir Kryuchkov and Vadim Bakatin
with a request to bring to justice
all the organizers of the destruction
of the USSR and inciting enmity,
hatred, conflicts, discord and fratricidal wars.
And none of them listened to my requests
and brought order to the country and society.
Estonian officials and all former Soviet
republics are pro-Kremlin scammers.
Proof of this is the event -
in Moscow on June 26, 1988,
the Estonian delegation, under the leadership
of Kremlin bureaucrats and security officials,
staged a performance in order to fool
the people and public of the whole world
under the false slogans
of perestroika and sovereignty.
XIX Party Conference in July 1988,
one of the most shameful in world history,
at which civil servants, security officials
and deputies prepared a plan
for the liquidation of the USSR.
And in December of the same year,
the Soviet Union was destroyed,
plundered, liquidated and crossed
out from the world map the best
country in the world - the Soviet Union.
Estonian communist delegation
in front of world journalists before
the 19th party conference
28.06 - 01.07.1988:
Отредактировано Nazar (2024-01-22 03:27:07)