In Germany, environmental activists
are accused of organizing and supporting
protests against the mining of coal, oil, gas,
shale, and so on. The mining of everything
has led to the fact that rivers dry up all over
the world. All rivers, lakes and bodies
of water around the world are under
the threat of drying up due to - mining of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, ore, soil, salt, gravel,
sand, stone, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium,
cobalt, magnesium, uranium, oxide, diamonds,
amber, gold, crystal, emerald, opal, rettite,
musgravite, benitoite, sapphire, alexandrite,
bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese, limestone,
soda, chalk and so on.
From the mining of everything around
the globe, huge underground voids
have formed, the depth of which
reaches more than 14000 thousand meters.
Due to the huge underground void,
water disappears forever, the drying up
of rivers, lakes and reservoirs in all regions and
continents of the world threatens a global
catastrophe for the whole world and
no one will be able to escape, everyone will die.
Stop mining oil, coal, gas and so on:
This petition is to stop the mining
of coal, oil, gas, ore, diamonds, gold, salt,
soil, gravel, sand, stone and so on.
Save the Planet and save Nature.
Climatic disasters from the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, silver, gold, ore, salt and so on.
People knowing that the extraction
of everything led to the death of the Earth,
flora and fauna and continue to destroy Nature.
The catastrophic consequences
of the criminal activities of mankind,
their scale and speed, led to the destruction
of the globe and the death of the Earth,
flora and fauna, the damage inflicted
on all of Nature is catastrophic.
Water has become scarce in France, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy,
the Netherlands, the United States, Canada,
Australia, India, China, Europe, Asia, Africa,
the East and all regions and continents
of the world, the water level has reached
an all-time low , year after year, all rivers and
lakes become shallow, dry up and disappear.
Rivers and lakes with catostrophic
speed become shallow and dry up in the USA,
China, Russia, Asia, Africa, in the East
and in Europe Danube, Oder, Rhine, Elbe, Main,
Moselle, Saale, Mulde, Loire and
other rivers and lakes in all regions and
continents of the world and
in many places water disappears forever
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
ore, copper, diamonds, gold, salt and so on.
From the extraction of everything around
the globe, huge underground voids,
huge quarries, funnels, abysses and
cracks were formed.
From the devastated globe - the Earth and
all flora and fauna perish.
Today there is nothing natural in the world,
everything on the globe is born and grows
unnatural, and everything
turns into mutants and freaks.
In Europe in many countries of the world,
the first level of danger of climate change
has been introduced, which signaled
the deterioration of the climate and
pollution of the Earth, water and
the environment and a sharp increase
in the oxidation of the globe,
water and atmosphere, from which
acid rain and snow come everywhere and
everywhere. The increase in acidity has taken
hold of all continents and regions of the world
and has spread throughout the globe,
it has touched everyone and everyone
everywhere and everywhere.
A sharp climate change was formed
from the criminal activities of mankind
from the extraction and burning of coal,
oil, gas, peat, as well as from air conditioners,
transport, industry, cities, plastic, roofing,
building materials, as well as from landfills,
cesspools, sewers, and so on Further.
In addition, huge underground voids,
quarries, funnels and abysses
from the extraction of everything
from the Earth are everywhere.
We all live on the same Planet and
the pollution of the Earth, water and
air will affect everyone anywhere
in the world, which means that the pollution
of the territory of one country
will affect everyone around the globe.
Many people in different regions and
continents of the world -
believe that the pollution of the Earth,
water and air from other countries
does not concern them, they say
that they live far from them,
this criminal thinking
has led to world egoism and dibelism.
Ecological problems do not know state
and territorial borders - they are global.
The environmental situation in China,
Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Canada,
India, Indonesia, England, France, Italy,
Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Spain,
Argentina and so on, this applies
to everyone, no matter where you live.
Climate change to a catastrophe
on the Planet from the extraction and
burning of coal, oil, gas, peat, as well
as from air conditioners, transport,
industry, cities, plastic, roofing,
building materials, as well
as from landfills, cesspools and sewers.
I beg you, please spread my appeal, which
is expressed with a heavy heart and
with tears in your eyes, due to the fault
of mankind, the Earth is collapsing and
all life is dying all over the world.
I appeal to all mankind, to the whole
world, to stop and present a picture
that there is no water and there is nothing
to breathe around, everything is poisoned and
terrible torment and suffering awaits everyone.
Until it is too late to prevent a catastrophe,
urgently stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, salt, copper, ore, and so on.
Mankind destroys all living things, and
turned the whole world into concentration
camps. Urbanization and industrialization
are dangerous for all living things in the world,
chemicals are deadly for all living
things in the world,
In all countries of the world, the whole Earth,
water and air are poisoned - from
the extractionьof coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, salt, copper, ore, and so on.
And also from factories, combines,
transport, cities, landfills, cesspools,
sewers, and so on.
People have poisoned the entire Earth,
water and atmosphere.
All chemical and poisonous substances and
toxic waste and all this mixture spreads
through the soil, water and atmosphere
around the world and poisons
the entire Earth, rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans and mountains.
It is urgent to permanently
stop the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
salt, copper, ore, and so on.
So we can prevent a global
environmental disaster.
We all need to live in peace and harmony
according to the laws of Nature,
there is no difference between us and
other animal plants - we are all children
of the Earth and we are all one family.
Numerous illnesses and deaths in all
regions and continents of the world -
from mining and burning - coal, oil, gas,
shale and peat, as well as from chemicals,
herbicides, pesticides, from industry, transport,
air conditioners, refrigerators, chemicals,
factories, combines, transport, cities, landfills,
cesspools, sewerage, linoleum, polyethylene,
plastics, microplastics, household chemicals,
building materials, etc from all this,
everyone everywhere gets sick and dies painfully
People don't think that pollution of the Earth,
water and air will affect everyone, no
matter where you live. We all live on the same
planet, breathe the same air and drink the same
poisoned water.
In Germany USA, Canada, France,
England, Russia, India, China, Europe,
Asia, Africa and the East, the entire Earth,
water and air have been poisoned,
and all toxic substances and
wastes are spreading around the globe and
throughout the atmosphere, poisoning all rivers,
lakes, seas and oceans,
In all over the world, horrific facts about this,
the authorities of all the countries
of the world are silent and
obscure the huge scale of toxic substances
and waste that are in all regions and
continents of the world.
And officials do nothing at all to solve
the environmental problems
of the whole world.
If they are not solved today, then tomorrow
it will be too late and everyone will suffer
everywhere and everywhere.
Climatic disasters, shallow waters,
dried up huge rivers and lakes
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone, copper,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum, salt,
ore and so on. The extraction of all this led to
the death of the Earth, flora and fauna.
Terrifying destruction of the Earth,
huge underground voids, quarries,
funnels and abysses around the globe
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone, copper,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum,
salt, ore and so on.
The extraction of anything and
everything has led to climate disasters and
the death of the Earth, rivers,
lakes and the Aral Sea.
The catastrophic emptying of the globe
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum,
ore, salt, and so on, led to the death
of the Earth and everything that is born,
grows all mutants and freaks.
Don't people really want to admit
that the Earth's organism is the same as ours,
If you remove human organs,
then it will turn into a corpse,
also the Earth perishes without organs.
Экология Земли:
Ecology of the Earth:
Самая загрязненная река в мире |
Документальный фильм DW.
The world’s most polluted river | DW
Экологические проблемы Земли.
Environmental problems of the Earth!
Загрязненные реки и
озера: токсичные воды
Самая токсичная река в мире
Polluted Rivers and Lakes:
Indonesia's Toxic
The most toxic river in the world
В Китае отравлены все реки.
In China, all rivers are poisoned:
Катастрофическое загрязнение земли,
воздуха и воды.
Catastrophic pollution of land, air and water:
Pollution (pollution of land, air and water):
Все реки мира отравлены,
самая грязная река в мире.
The World's Dirtiest River | Unreported World:
Загрязнение рек, озер, морей и океанов
нефтью, химикатами и мусором привело к
гибели всего живого на всем свете, и больно
смотреть, как страдает флора и фауна.
The pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans
with oil, chemicals and garbage has led to the
death of all life on the whole world and it is
painful to see how flora and fauna suffer.
Разлив нефти и токсичные отходы отравили
весь земной шар: Документальный фильм
BBC о разливе нефти-
The oil spill and toxic waste have poisoned the
entire globe:
Pollution BBC documentary on the oil spill:
Самая страшная экологическая катастрофа -
разлив нефти.
The worst environmental disaster is the oil spill:
Exxon Valdez oil spill-
Человечество разрушает окружающую среду,
добыча нефти из битуминозных песков
уничтожила весь природный ландшафт-
Tar sands oil extraction destroyed all natural
Tar Sands Oil Extraction — The Dirty Truth:
Преступная деятельность всего человечества
уничтожает все на земле и в атмосфере-
The criminal activity of all mankind destroys
everything on earth and in the atmosphere:
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill In the Wake
of Disaster | Retro Report | The New York Times:
Спасение Цитарума: Индонезия борется за
очистку «самой грязной реки в мире» |
Однажды на реке.
Saving Citarum: Indonesia's Fight To Clean
'Dirtiest River In The World' | Once Upon A River: … RvbmVzaWE6
Климатические протесты: Молодежь
уже достаточно понимает, что необходимо
беречь Природу. Молодежные активисты
Глобального климата протестуют
против добычи угля, руды, нефти, газа, сланца,
торфа, руды, соли и так далее.
Climate protests: Youth already
understand enough that it is necessary
to save Nature youth activists
of the Global Climate protests
against the extraction of coal, ore, oil,
gas, shale, peat, ore, salt and so on:
Отредактировано Nazar (2023-09-01 02:56:13)