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In Estonia and in all former republics of the USSR.

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In Estonia, the janitor Heinar Sinajalg,
a 56-year-old activist, came out with
the symbol of Lenin in red for freedom
and justice. He is from the city of Viljandi,
tired of bureaucrats and partocrats who,
from 1988 to this day, have been deceiving
the people and celebrating Independence
Day against the backdrop of devastation
and poverty, this is a disaster for the people
of which, under the slogan of sovereignty,
they rob and brazenly denigrate the USSR,
under which hard workers lived beautifully.
Heinar Synayalg addressed the Prime
Minister: “Kaya Kallas, come to us
for a week and live like all working people
with a sea of ​​problems and meager
salaries and pensions.
Then you Will learn how ordinary people
live in Estonia under the so-called sovereignty.
The purpose of the protest, he said,
is to wake up officials and the head
of government to come and see with their
own eyes how ordinary people actually
live on meager salaries and pensions.
In Estonia, more than 75 percent
of the inhabitants live in poverty,
it is a horror and a nightmare, where
officials, partocrats and deputies receive
huge salaries and do not produce anything,
do not plow and do not sow.
In Soviet Estonia, everyone worked under
the leadership of a wonderful leader,
brother and comrade Kabin Johannes
Gustavovich, the working people lived
better than in Switzerland.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
lived in Soviet Estonia and I remember
with joy those wonderful years
in the Soviet Union, where there was
real freedom and everyone lived,
worked and rested happily.

Отредактировано Nazar (2024-03-09 03:14:17)



Hello, Soviet Estonia, Hello, Soviet Union,
Hello, Internationale, Hello, Peace -
Friendship and Solidarity, and we all need
this like air. I, Banjhov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
remember the Soviet Union with joy,
I lived in the Estonian SSR in the city of Tallinn
at 89 Männiku Street until 1984.
(In Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus,
Ukraine, Moldova, RSFSR, Georgia, Armenia,
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and the Karelian-
Finnish SSR, they were all Soviet Labor
Communes and all this was liquidated
bureaucratic criminal gangs to destroy
the Soviet Union.
The worst enemies of the world are bureaucrats,
they removed from power Lenin, Leon Trotsky,
Felix Dzerzhinsko, Sergei Kirov, Mirza Huseynov,
Kabin, Johannes Gustavovich,
Pyotr Masherov, Sharaf Rashidov,
Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko
and Dinmukhamed Kunaev,
thereby removing all supporters
of the USSR from power
Bureaucratic criminal gangs in all regions and
continents of the world are secretly preparing
all sorts of dirty tricks in their own selfish
interests; from February 1924
to December 1988 they plundered,
destroyed and liquidated the Soviet Union.
After the death of Lenin, the leader
of the world revolution, the bureaucrats
canceled all his decrees and liquidated
the Workers 'and Peasants'
Red Army and the International
Movement and led the people along
a destructive path.
The events in the Soviet republics
from 1929 to 1988 were reminiscent
of Germany from 1926 to 1933,
where bureaucrats and partocrats
artificially created the image of the enemy
and destroyed all historical books.
And the same thing happened in Russia
and in all the Soviet republics, where
all historical books about the Soviet Union
were destroyed, even the volumes of Lenin.
This vandalism was organized by security
forces, civil servants, deputies, communists,
Komsomol members, trade union
and party workers, as well as leaders
of all spheres and industries of the country
And they also organized anti-Soviet rallies,
protests and marches to eliminate
the Soviet Union. This led to the complete
degradation of society, chaos
and devastation, the organizers of these
crimes were security officials, civil servants,
deputies, communists, Komsamolts,
trade unions, party workers, as well
as directors from all spheres and industries.
They sent their workers to rallies
and protests against the socialist system.
Bureaucrats and partocrats from February 1924
to December 1988 plundered, destroyed,
liquidated, and crossed out from the world
map the best country in the world -
the Soviet Union, where there was
real freedom and guaranteed jobs,
bed space and the common good for all.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
from the Estonian SSR from the city
of Tallinn, in November 1977 wrote
a letter to the chairman
of the KGB of the USSR
Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov with a request
to hold all power structures accountable
for the split of the Soviet Union,
that year in October the bureaucrats
and partocrats canceled all Soviet laws
and the Constitution and split
the Soviet Union into many bureaucratic
territories and privatized everything
in the country secretly from the people.
In December 1977, in connection with my letter
to Andropov, I was invited to the KGB
of the Estonia SSR in the city of Tallinn
on Pikk Street, and the head
of state security Pork August Petrovich
instructed the KGB officers to reward
me for my courage and bravery.
Honest people were in the minority and
their voice and opinions were ignored,
as bureaucrats and partocrats came
up with laws against honest people,
so they removed Leon Trotsky from power.
Bureaucrats and partocrats in 1929 adopted
anti - Soviet laws and deprived people
of all rights and freedoms and destroyed
the Soviet Communes and peasants.
In Soviet Estonia, the communes were
restored on March 29, 1950, under
the leadership of Kabin,
Johannes Gustavovich, and he opposed
the October XXV Congress of the CPSU.
02/24/1976, where bureaucrats
and partocrats adopted laws
on the phased liquidation of collective farms,
state farms and forestry enterprises.
And in October 1977, they adopted
a law on the liquidation of the Soviet Union,
and the main ideologist of the USSR,
Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko,
spoke out against this, and thanks to him,
the Soviet Union was saved.
In March 1984, Chernenko
restored all Soviet laws and canceled
all anti - Soviet laws in all Soviet republics
and released all political prisoners.
And he brought an ideal order in all spheres
and branches of the country, and even
when in 1983, Andropov was in the hospital,
he did not allow the world war that the security
forces wanted, the security forces gave
the command to shoot down
a passenger Boeing, a Su-15 fighter
shot down a Boeing 747- 230B
of Korean Air Lines (KAL) then crashed
into the La Perouse Strait 37 km southwest
of Sakhalin. There were 246 passengers
and 23 crew members on board, and
all 269 people on board were killed.
And this crime is blamed on Andropov and
the Soviet Union. He could not give a command
to shoot down a passenger plane,
he did not beat a warlike person.
The Soviet Union did not have its own
armed forces and army, this was deprived
of it after the war on February 25, 1946,
the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army RKKA
was liquidated and in its place
a bureaucratic army and armed forces were
created that committed crimes in many parts
of the world and in Afghanistan
on behalf of the Soviet Union.
Bureaucratic army from 1986 to
December 1988 participated in the destruction
of the Soviet Union. After the liquidation
of the USSR in January 1989,
large-scale conflicts, wars, seizure
of territory and bureaucratic raider seizures
continue to this day.
In Estonia, in the city of Tallinn,
I, Bandzhov Nazarali Holnazarovich,
lived in a house on Männiku Street 89 during
the times of the beautiful Soviet Union and
the residents of this house after the destruction
of Soviet Estonia suffered from bureaucratic
raider capture with the help of numerous
fraudulent laws, schemes and with the help
of intermediary companies and dummy people,
they brazenly sold a 9-storeybuilding
with 220 tenants and children.
They were stripped of everything
they had by force, threats and blackmail.
In such a criminal way, officials,
under the slogan of sovereignty,
staged raider seizures of factories, factories,
enterprises, combines, shops, canteens,
buffets, cafes, bars, estaurants, hotels
and residential buildings.
Bureaucratic raider seizure in Tallinn in 2010,
the building of the KGB of the Estonian SSR,
a five -story building in the city center
was sold and transferred to the status
of elite residential real estate.
In 2011, bureaucratic raiders seized the
Kungla Hotel. I, Banjov Nazarali, often went
to the bar on the first floor, it was my favorite
place to relax. And bureaucratic raiders
liquidated this wonderful hotel.
In Estonia, from 1978 to 2016, everything
good in Estonia was destroyed and everything
turned into bureaucratic gangster
business centers, where the occupying
authorities have been engaged in robbery
and robbery since 1990 and to this day
and take away everything
from defenseless people.
The same raider seizures
in all the former Soviet republics.

Отредактировано Nazar (2024-03-09 03:59:20)



Hello, Здравствуйте, Guten, Ola, Bonjour,
Namaste, Buenos, Haa, Tervist, Zdravo,
Ahlen, Chao, Shalom, Salam, Goddag,
Nin hao, let's live in harmony with all the world
according to the laws of Mother Nature,
in order to prevent a world apocalypse,
from which no one can escape.
Respectfully yours, defender of the world.
Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich.
The most ideal environmental education class.
Taking care of the environment is an important
part of a healthy lifestyle.
It will reduce stress and anxiety
and help us live calmer and happier lives.



In Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
in all former republics of the USSR
and in all former socialist regions
of the world, as well as in all regions
and continents of the world, instead
of saying that civil servants, deputies,
senators and security forces are the same
bandits as everyone else, and send
them all to agricultural work
for 18 hours a day: Then there will
be order in the whole world and everywhere
will be safe and all obstacles and problems
will disappear forever.
This is what the leader of the International
Salot Sar did, he sent everyone to agricultural
communes, and did not cause anything bad
to anyone, he was denigrated by the enemies
of Marxism and Leninism.
Salot Sar freed the Cambodian people
from slavery and gave everyone a job,
clothing, shoes, a common house
and guaranteed three meals aday.
The people were happy, joyful and worked
collectively for the benefit
of the people and the country.
Today, the vast majority of the country's
population is nostalgic for the times
of agricultural communes from 1975 to 1979.
Thus, the vast majority of pupils and students
called Pol Pot the most outstanding
personality and excellent leader
in the entire history of Cambodia.
В России, Эстонии, Латвии, Литве,
во всех бывших республиках СССР
и во всех бывших социалистических
регионах мира, а также во всех
регионах и континентах мира
вместо того, чтобы говорить,
что госслужащие, депутаты, сенаторы
и силовики такие же бандиты,
как и все, и отправить их всех
на сельскохозяйственные
работы по 18 часов в день:
Тогда во всем мире будет порядок и
везде будет безопасно
и все препятствия
и проблемы исчезнут навсегда.
Вот что сделал лидер Интернационала
Салот Сар, он всех отправил в
сельскохозяйственные коммуны,
и никому ничего плохого не причинил,
его очернили враги марксизма и ленинизма.
Салот Сар освободил камбоджийский народ
от рабства и дал каждому работу, одежду,
обувь, общий дом и гарантировал
трехразовое питание. Люди были счастливы,
радостны и коллективно трудились
на благо страны и мира.
Сегодня подавляющее большинство
населения страны ностальгирует
по временам сельскохозяйственных
коммун 1975-1979 годов.
Так, подавляющее большинство
школьников и студентов назвали
Пол Пота самой выдающейся личностью
и прекрасным руководителем
за всю историю Камбоджа.
Вот вам факты при правления Пол Пота.
Here are the facts during the reign of Pol Pot:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT5Z3HVa … GD0YfQuNGP


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » In Estonia and in all former republics of the USSR.