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Climate protests symbols banner of Nature.

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The banner of Nature and the path
to the creation of Peace, Friendship and
Solidarity, this is exactly what we all need.
We all live on the same Planet,
and this beauty of Nature urgently needs
to be urgently save and protect Mother Earth,
without which no one can live.

If people do not stop all their destructive actions,
if they do not stop polluting the environment
and do not stop mining coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, ore, soil, gravel, sand, stone, and
so on, then the Earth will be completely
devastated and all living things on the Planet
will die from the extraction of everything
from the earth, and everyone dies painfully.

In Germany, in the city of Berlin near
the Reichstag, the defenders of Nature
held posters in their hands.
They were written "Save the Earth
and forever stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, ore, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, salt and so on, the extraction
of everything from the earth led
to catastrophic climate change.
Defenders of nature believe that
the criminal actions of all mankind
will turn the entire Earth into a dead zone
from environmental pollution,
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, ore, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, salt and so on.

In Germany, medical research and specialists
come to the conclusion about the following
causes and sources of all diseases
in all regions of the world.
At the Berlin Medical Center, an international
team of doctors conducted a study and
found that the increasing pollution
of land, water and air with thousands
of different toxic wastes and chemicals,
as well as the extraction and burning of coal,
oil, gas, peat, shale and chemicals led
to an increase in all diseases, as well
as cancer of the stomach, skin, eyes,
mouth, throat, larynx, teeth, lungs,
heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, bones,
ovaries, bladder, subungual and nail plates.

All diseases from the criminal activities
of all mankind - sewers, landfills, cesspools,
cities, all kinds of industries, plants, factories,
combines, transport, as well as the extraction
and burning of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat and chemicals.

Water, air and Earth are all poisoned and
nowhere in the world there is clean water,
soil and air, and nowhere in the world
there is not a milligram of clean water and
land, and even in the Arctic everything
is poisoned from the extraction of coal,
oil, gas and so on.
Environmental pollution and environmental
problems in all countries of the world
do not know state borders, all toxic
waste and chemicals spread through
water, soil, wind, clouds,
as well as through the evaporation
of toxic substances from industry, building
materials, transport, landfills, sewers and
cesspools, and chemical and acid clouds
form from all environmental pollution,
so acid rain and snow.

The poisoning of water, land, air and
the destruction of the ozone layer
of the atmosphere is one of the main
problems of climate change to catastrophic
in all regions of the world.
If humanity in all regions of the world continues
to extract everything from the earth and pollute
the earth, water and atmosphere,
then a global apocalypse will come,
where everyone will die long and painfully.

Climate catastrophes in world.
Environmental problems
in Russia, China, India, USA, Canada, Indonesia,
Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Japan, Korea,
Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines.
Vietnam, Kenya, UAE, Taiwan, Jordan, Finland,
the Netherlands - Holland, Sweden, Great Britain,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova,
Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia,
Latvia and in all countries of the world,
the mining company and the mining industry
have poisoned all rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans, land and atmosphere and turned
the whole world into hell and into a huge
abyss and into huge underground voids
and funnels, all water goes into all those voids,
and all rivers, lakes become shallow
and dry up, and the earth is cracking
from underground voids.



Stop coal, ore, oil, gas, shale, peat, and so on.

Protests in  Germany, USA, France, Italy,
Canada, Spain, China, Russia, India,
Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa,
the East and all regions and
continents of the world, environmentalists
protest against the extraction of coal, ore, oil,
gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore,
copper, salt, limestone, soda, chalk, diamonds,
gold, aluminum, silver, uranium, platinum, tin,
tungsten, molybdenum, mercury, iron,
manganese, lead, amber, granite, marble, zinc,
antimony, amber, aluminum, copper, nickel,
lead, cobalt, tin, apatite, phosphorites, sulfur,
boron, arsenic, matte, sulfide, perlite,
magnetite apatite, bismuth, gallium, indus,
alexandrites, thallium, gypsum, alabaster,
tellurium, rhenium, cadmium, vanadium, iron,
titanium, scandium, radiogenic and so on.
From the mining of everything and everything,
huge - deep - underground - voids, quarries,
funnels and abysses all over the globe were
formed, this is already a global catastrophe
and apocalypse - rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds,
streams and reservoirs become shallow,
dry up, disappear and perish flora and fauna.

In Germany, England, France, Sweden and
around the world on Friday
at exactly one in the afternoon local time,
strikes and demonstrations
of protest against the extraction
of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, and so on.

According to the protesters,
the vast majority of participants believe
that climate change is the result
of human activities: the extraction and
burning of coal, oil, gas, peat, and so on,
the extraction of everything led
to the death of the Earth, rivers, lakes,
seas, oceans, flora and fauna.



Stop coal: In Germany for years, environmental
activists have hoped to prevent the demolition
of Lutzerath perhaps the latest
of a thousand villages
in Germany that have been destroyed
by the authorities throughout history.
Conservationists tried to protect
the landscape, houses and farms
with their bodies.
They barricaded themselves
in a complex of barns and other buildings.
Conservationists erected and occupied tall
watchtowers on tree trunks.
In Germany, in Lutzerath environmentalists
in the village have been trying for more than
two years to prevent its demolition.
The criminal civil servants of Germany
destroyed this landscape and village
for the sake of coal mining.
Lützerath: Why Germany is
destroying villages for coal:

Отредактировано Nazar (2023-07-20 10:27:32)



Protests in USA, Canada, Germany, France,
England, Russia, India, China, Europe,
Asia, Africa and the East, the entire Earth,
water and air have been poisoned,
and all toxic substances and
wastes are spreading around the globe and
throughout the atmosphere, poisoning all rivers,
lakes, seas and oceans,

In all over the world, horrific facts about this,
the authorities of all the countries
of the world are silent and
obscure the huge scale of toxic substances
and waste that are in all regions and
continents of the world.
And officials do nothing at all to solve
the environmental problems
of the whole world.
If they are not solved today, then tomorrow
it will be too late and everyone will suffer
everywhere and everywhere.
Climatic disasters, shallow waters,
dried up huge rivers and lakes
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone, copper,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum, salt,
ore and so on. The extraction of all this led to
the death of the Earth, flora and fauna.
Terrifying destruction of the Earth,
huge underground voids, quarries,
funnels and abysses around the globe
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone, copper,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum,
salt, ore and so on.
The extraction of anything and
everything has led to climate disasters and
the death of the Earth, rivers,
lakes and the Aral Sea.
The catastrophic emptying of the globe
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale,
peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, aluminum,
ore, salt, and so on, led to the death
of the Earth and everything that is born,
grows all mutants and freaks.
Don't people really want to admit
that the Earth's organism is the same as ours,
If you remove human organs,
then it will turn into a corpse,
also the Earth perishes without organs.
Преступная деятельность всего человечества
уничтожает все на земле и в атмосфере-
The criminal activity of all mankind destroys
everything on earth and in the atmosphere:
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill In the Wake
of Disaster | Retro Report | The New York Times:
Экология Земли:
Ecology of the Earth:
Самая загрязненная река в мире |
Документальный фильм DW.
The world’s most polluted river | DW
Экологические проблемы Земли.
Environmental problems of the Earth!
Загрязненные реки и
озера: токсичные воды
Самая токсичная река в мире
Polluted Rivers and Lakes:
Indonesia's Toxic
The most toxic river in the world
В Китае отравлены все реки.
In China, all rivers are poisoned:
Катастрофическое загрязнение земли,
воздуха и воды.
Catastrophic pollution of land, air and water:
Pollution (pollution of land, air and water):
Все реки мира отравлены,
самая грязная река в мире.
The World's Dirtiest River | Unreported World:
Загрязнение рек, озер, морей и океанов
нефтью, химикатами и мусором привело к
гибели всего живого на всем свете, и больно
смотреть, как страдает флора и фауна.
The pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans
with oil, chemicals and garbage has led to the
death of all life on the whole world and it is
painful to see how flora and fauna suffer.
Разлив нефти и токсичные отходы отравили
весь земной шар: Документальный фильм
BBC о разливе нефти-
The oil spill and toxic waste have poisoned the
entire globe:
Pollution BBC documentary on the oil spill:
Самая страшная экологическая катастрофа -
разлив нефти.
The worst environmental disaster is the oil spill:
Exxon Valdez oil spill-
Человечество разрушает окружающую среду,
добыча нефти из битуминозных песков
уничтожила весь природный ландшафт-
Tar sands oil extraction destroyed all natural
Tar Sands Oil Extraction — The Dirty Truth:
Спасение Цитарума: Индонезия борется за
очистку «самой грязной реки в мире» |
Однажды на реке.
Saving Citarum: Indonesia's Fight To Clean
'Dirtiest River In The World' | Once Upon A River:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqOyR603 … RvbmVzaWE6

Отредактировано Nazar (2023-07-20 10:38:22)


Вы здесь » форум СШ№18 г.Гродно » всё и обо всех » Climate protests symbols banner of Nature.